How to use notification popups to boost sales?
When an e-retailer sets up its website, it does so with the aim of converting as many visitors as possible into customers. Very often, they will put a lot of effort into the best way to acquire customers, generate more traffic, but also make their brand known.
However, there is a lot of competition. More and more e-commerce sites are emerging and the chances of converting visitors into customers are lower than before.
Despite everything, you should know that by applying small strategic methods such as notification popups on a website, an e-retailer can increase its sales.
Indeed, it is a good technique for bringing a unique and personalized shopping experience to each customer or potential customer, while retaining their attention with relevant and targeted messages.
So, in this article, we will share with you our best practices for using notification popups to optimize your conversion rate and boost your sales.
Define your goals
First of all, it is important to understand that a notification popup is usually used to transmit a message to a visitor with the aim of take action.
This will often involve having them make purchases, informing them of promotional offers, retrieving their email address or even obtaining their feedback.
Therefore, the first thing to define when you want to add popups to a website, This is the result we want to achieve.
Example of notification popup:
If you want to increase your mailing list, you should know that the campaign used cannot be the same as when you put promotional offers, since this risks minimizing the impact of the message you wanted. to pass.
Usually, the popup window that will apply will encourage the visitor to leave their email address by subscribing to a newsletter for example.
Likewise, when you want to retain a visitor who is about to leave the page of your website, it would be interesting to use a Exit Popup which aims to increase the probability of purchase by offering a promotional code to the customer without them having to provide their information.
Use the correct format
In order to maximize the use of notification popups on your website, you need to be able to choose the right format depending on the visibility you want to give to your message.
The pop-up window
This type of notification is very useful for conveying the message we wish to convey. very visible. It is very easy to set up a pop-up window using simple tools such as
This very effective solution allows you to adapt the format, size and position of the pop-up on the screen in order to clearly highlight a particular message.
The Call-to-Action pop-up
As its name suggests, the call-to-action pop-up requires action from the visitor.
Very suitable for mobile screens and not taking up a lot of space, the pop-up can be displayed on each page of a website to increase its chances of converting the visitor into a customer.
The bars
A very interesting format to apply on a website to communicate discounts or information on delivery costs is the use of bars. They can be placed above the navigation menu or at the bottom of the screen and are generally quite discreet.
This is a good way to arouse the interest of a visitor concerning possible promotional offers on its website without annoying it too much with intrusive popups.
Deliver personalized messages to each target
A great way to boost your sales using notification popups is to personalize messages. To do this, the right strategy is to segment your audience well and create several campaigns according to each segment.
New visitors to the site
When a visitor visits a site for the first time, they do not necessarily know the history of the brand. So, this is a good opportunity to give him a little presentation to maintain his interest on the site and increase his chances of getting him to take action.
Shoppers who abandon carts
It is very common for shopping carts to be abandoned. To avoid this and give yourself every chance of making sales, exit intent popups are very effective.
Encouraging visitors or customers who are about to leave the site without making a purchase by offering them an attractive offer such as a promo code is a good way to finalize a sale.
Returning customers
Welcome messages also leave a good impression on customers who return to a website after making an initial purchase. That adds value to their experience and can also make them want to make other purchases on the site even more.
Furthermore, messages can also be adapted to loyal customers, frequent visitors or even according to the geographical area of the visitors. The most important thing is to personalize their experience in order to encourage them to make purchases on your site.
Add value
Improve your conversion rate with original popups immediately provide value to its audience.
Customers or potential customers tend to be attracted if they understand that they can benefit from something immediately.
For example, a lead magnet popup is interesting because this can take the form of a discount code that visitors can receive immediately when they fill out a form.
However, you will need to make sure to integrate the pop-up form with an email marketing solution so that new subscribers can receive their reward by email.
Another example is to grant a discount, a reward or even free delivery from a certain purchase amount.
Furthermore, by guiding visitors to find the products they are looking for, or by recommending personalized products, a website optimize your chances to make even more sales.
Choose the right timing
Finally, to give yourself every chance of boosting your sales with notification popups, you need to be able to choose the right time so as not to harm the visitors’ user experience.
Indeed, popups that appear as soon as a visitor arrives on a site without the visitor having had time to look at the content are generally not very well received.
On the other hand, by triggering popups after the second page view, this is more likely to increase the conversion rate.
Some criteria that can be considered are:
- The number of pages viewed;
- When a visitor is about to leave the site;
- Or time spent on a specific page
As you will have understood, notification popups are excellent ways to promote conversions and thus increase sales provided you use them well.