Poosh.io: the best popup notification solution on Systeme.io
In an era where digital reigns more than ever in our society, there is almost no site that does not use popup notifications these days!
If only to better target your audience or to support the customer throughout their purchasing cycle, these small pop-up windows are simply essential when you have an online business.
Indeed, even if Internet users are not always happy to see them when they browse a website, it must still be recognized that popups are ultra efficient to encourage them to take action.
And Poosh.io refers to itself as the solution which allows us to offer personalized and dynamic notifications to visitors and customers with the aim of converting them regardless of the type of product marketed.
In this article, we will talk to you more specifically about its use on Système.io, the famous SAAS software which allows you to manage the sale of physical or digital products or even online services, notably thanks to sales tunnels.
Let’s take a quick look at Systeme.io
Systeme.io is defined as SAAS software that makes it easier to manage your digital marketing to sell products or services online.
For this, we will use in particular sales funnels with the aim of guiding a prospect throughout their journey on a web page in order to convert them into a customer.
One of the first steps in this process is collecting emails to join a mailing list, but it also includes offering offers on particular products or services.
It is in particular between these different stages that Poosh.io can intervene and support the potential buyer during their visit to a website.
The objective will be to recover their email address, but also to encourage them to make one or more purchases.
Why is Poosh.io the best popup notification solution for Systeme.io?
One of the features of Systeme.io is the possibility of creating tunnels or sales funnels, which we remind you is a series of key steps for transform a prospect into a customer.
Build your mailing list
At this stage, when you want to develop a mailing list, Poosh.io allows you to display notifications in order to capture email address prospects and try to convert them into customers subsequently, through e-mail marketing.
For example, offering free and attractive content is an effective way to collect prospects’ email addresses and then send them offers. You should also know that Poosh.io allows you to personalize popups so that they perfectly match everyone’s needs.
It is also easy to offer other types of free content, such as registering for a webinar which can help grow your mailing list.
In general, this type of action is beneficial to prospects who receive free content as well as to the e-retailer who can further work on their sales funnel strategy.
Lead the product sales process
Systeme.io allows you to sell several types of physical or digital products, and even services. Thus, it is possible to offer visitors promotional codes in order to capture email addresses, but also encourage them to purchase.
It should also be noted that Poosh.io offers the possibility of managing popup triggers, which is interesting when you do not want to disrupt the user experience.
Setting up sales funnels is simplified
You will have understood, Systeme.io is a very useful tool for manage digital marketing of its products or services, more particularly by designing sales funnels.
Throughout the process, Poosh.io will allow the e-retailer to include popup notifications or personalized messages to visitors and customers so that they take an action desired by them.
What is also important to know is that Poosh.io allows you to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that you have perfectly developed sales funnels. In particular, it will allow you to manage the display of pop-up windows according to your preferences on the Internet user’s navigation screen, but not only that!
Among the other available features of the tool, there is also the option to do A/B testing on each page of the sales funnel.
In other words, the A/B testing option will be useful to evaluate the results as well as the performance that we have achieved with the different popup notifications launched, in order to broadcast those that work best.
A/B testing provides reliable data to allow each notification to be optimized to the maximum.
Furthermore, this is not the only positive point of Poosh.io when it comes to measuring the reliability of popups. In fact, the tool allows you to check the statistics to know the number of times a notification has been displayed or the number of times visitors or buyers have clicked on it.
Of course, another positive aspect of Poosh.io is that each notification can be individualized.
Indeed, the parameters allow you to do just that, since everything is done so that your sales funnel on Systeme.io is correctly set up and, above all, effective.
To conclude, Poosh.io is extremely adaptable, which makes it an essential tool when you want to increase your sales and conversion rate on Système.io. Likewise, the functionalities are multiple and customizable according to your desires and needs.